Yesterday brought an inch of snow and a steady patter of sleet. The sheep huddled in their sheds. The lambs and mommas stayed indoors. The finches, chickadees, juncos and sparrows fought duked it out over the feeders. Today: a glorious sunrise over the trees that haven't yet leafed but have a fuzzy red halo of new buds. The snow has vanished except for a few freckles here and there in the pasture. The sheep are content lounging in the field. It is a perfect Easter morning. I'm wishing everyone a happy holiday and sharing a video clip from earlier this
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Yearly Archives 2011
Lamb Count & Special Give-Away!
We are resting after a very busy weekend. The rest of our ewes have lambed out. I'm not completely surprised. The action was sporadic this year and I suspected that our last momma's would birth in sync with the full moon. The last lamb born, Crispin, is snuggling here with his mom, Java. Our final tally this year is 13 lambs: 6 rams, 7 ewes. Part of what I love most about the end of birthing time is the sense of relief that all lambs have made it safely into the world. This year I'm blessed with ewes who are
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Lamb Antics
Yesterday brought four new arrivals – and one unwelcome guest. After the exciting entrance of Donatella's twin ewe-lings, Java quietly delivered a sweet ram lamb while I was at dinner. I found him resting in the straw beside her. After ushering them into a lambing jug she delivered a second sturdy ram lamb. I don't have pics to post yet, but please join me in welcoming our new apples: Braeburn & Baldwin. While all eyes were on the barn yesterday, our bird feeders at home were attacked by a bear. Tree limbs ripped from trees. Feeders in pieces on the
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Donatella’s Lamb Birthing – video
I shot this with my iPhone (that's why the image is the size of postage stamp, sorry 'bout that) shortly after my last post. Donatella did a beautiful job of birthing her first lambs – a super-cute pair of ewe-lings! Help us welcome our newest apples: Gala and Paula Red. Donatella and her lambs are doing well. For a friendly ewe she has turned into quite the fierce mother. She didn't want me or Holly anywhere near her lambs. I have a nice bruise on my hand to prove it. This video shows Gala's first words (she's actually having a
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Donatella’s in Labor
Some action in the barn this morning. Donatella's getting ready to birth her lambs as I type this so I'll be brief. The above photos show her about an hour ago, having her first contractions. She's transitioning now to pushing mode. If you come back later I'll show you what her lamb(s) look like. Wish her luck!
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Sunday’s Lambs
We have a new set of twins! Meet Jonathan and Pink Lady. Bailey delivered them at dinnertime last night. These are Bailey's first lambs and also the very first lambs out of our black fine-wool ram, Cinder. We had hoped for a Moorit lamb (brown like momma) out of this crossing. PInk Lady has one little spot of brown on her back, but that's it. We love her pink little nose. Bailey has a beautiful udder and (so far) gets a gold star for mothering skills. Happy Sunday to all.
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Sleepless nights
"Check out my wrinkles!" No new developments on the lamb front since the weekend. MacIntosh (above), Duchess and Pippin are mixing it up with each other in the super-sized pen we created for them. Now they can have play dates. Chanel is mellow about her little ones hanging out with the lamb from next door. But Chloe is an overprotective ewe. She doesn't want anyone getting too close to her lamb, including other sheep. It's kind of funny, since her "baby" is twice the size of Chanel's twins. I love watching all of it during barn chores. I am not
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Sunday’s Lambs – video
Today I'm picking up a tradition I started at this time last year. Each Sunday I'll share a slice of Sunday morning at the farm with you. This is Chanel and her little apples, MacIntosh and Duchess. Enjoy and happy Sunday.
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Good News – More Ewes!
An April Fool's Day snowstorm didn't slow things down any in the birthing barn. This morning Chanel birthed this pair of Cormo ewe lambs.With three new arrivals it's time to get down to the business of naming our little apples. This year I enlisted help from my Sheep Shares CSA members to name our first lamb. Pippin was chosen as the most popular name for a ewe lamb. And so we've named our first lamb, born yesterday to Chloe. The second most popular name for a girl was: Duchess . The most popular choices for a ram lamb was
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It’s a Girl!
I guess it's true. March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. Our first arrived late today, a single ewe-lamb born to Chloe, a first time mother. Mike discovered our newcomer when he went to the barn for evening chores. A hefty lamb, she was cleaned up, on her feet and nursing when I arrived. It looks like this little gal may have company before the night is over, so I'm off to get some rest, just in case I'm called to the barn again. Just wanted to quickly share our exciting news! Crackerjack (below) inspects
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