An April Fool's Day snowstorm didn't slow things down any in the birthing barn. This morning Chanel birthed this pair of Cormo ewe lambs.With three new arrivals it's time to get down to the business of naming our little apples.
This year I enlisted help from my Sheep Shares CSA members to name our first lamb. Pippin was chosen as the most popular name for a ewe lamb. And so we've named our first lamb, born yesterday to Chloe.
The second most popular name for a girl was: Duchess .
The most popular choices for a ram lamb was McIntosh. Since we have no ram lambs yet and I love both these names, we'll use them for today's ewe lambs.
Thanks to everyone who collaborated to name our first lambs of the year.
I'm off to bed now. During lambing season I try to stockpile sleep during the day, resting when I can, in case I have to be in the barn at night. I was knocked down today with a stomach bug. It's a really good thing I have excellent barn back-up (Mike and Holly!).
Stay tuned, I promise to keep you posted on new arrivals in the birthing barn.
Speaking of new arrivals, today was launch day for the spring issue for Twist Collective. This issue is jam packed with great designs. It also contains the first of a series of articles I'm writing for Twist. The Fifty-Mile Fiber Diet is about sourcing fibers close to home. Click here to check it out.