Archives for Shetland sheep

Flock Talk – Shetlands and a Goat and losing daylight

Gypsy and Sassafras posed nicely for me in the midst of flock maintenance tasks. I don't know about you but I still haven't recalibrated my daily routine to daylight saving time and I really hate doing evening chores as darkens settles on the farm. Since the flock still has plenty to graze, they're not particularly fussy about what time we show up. But watch, that will soon change, once we get some snow cover – and that could be later this week. There are fluffy flakes swirling outside my window right now as I type. Mike has set up the
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Shetlands Meet the Flock

At last, our new Shetland lambs can play with the rest of the flock. After passing muster with our vet, they spent a day sharing adjacent pens in the barn with our Cormo ewe lambs (and Mistral, Georgia, Arial and Crackerjack). Everyone got to sniff each other. Then we opened up the gates and let them mingle. It felt a little like sending children out into the school yard on the first day of school.  Sassy and Ginger were eager to mix it up with the big sheep. The Cormo ewe lambs seem to think, "Cool, more lambie friends! Check
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