Monthly Archives June 2009

Crackerjack Fan Club

If Crackerjack could read I know he would be truly flattered by all his fan mail last week. He's such a modest guy who really doesn't seek special attention at all, which makes him all the more deserving of praise and recognition for the important work he does. And, yeah, he's a really neat looking llama (goofy grin aside).  Thanks to everyone who commented. I drew a winner yesterday for the Crackerjack Fan Club contest – Tish is the lucky  Crackerjack fan! Another wet week here has created challenges, headaches, work disruptions. The rain causes the fabric of the sheep
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Llama Fan Club Contest

Hanging out with the llama is the "way cool" thing to do these days. Crackerjack has developed quite a following. The lambs toddle along with him in the pasture and gravitate toward him at rest time in the barn. They're fascinated by his fiber, always nibbling at the bits of straw stuck to his fleece. I feel a little sorry about him never getting a break and sneak him handfuls of grain when the ewes aren't looking. He deserves it. In fact, I think Crackerjack deserves his own fan club. He's an amazing guy and we love him. Would you
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June Bug

My apologies for the lapse in posting. As summer kicks in, the workload has doubled. There is now as much to do outdoors as there is indoors, and I'm struggling to find a balance. Holly is keeping pace with barn cleaning and fence rotation and Mike is tending to the "big boys" camped at the top of the farm. We all take turns with bottle feedings and I handle the daily triage of minor issues. A lamb that spent too much time at the grain feeder has a poopy bottom (lucky Holly had the fun task of cleaning him up
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Lamb’s Play

On Saturday morning as I was sprucing up the barn for visitors (Sheep Shares member Lamb Visit Weekend), the lambs were playing their own version of king of the hill on the straw bale I had left in the pen.  At just 8 weeks & under, the ram lambs are already becoming territorial and a bit adversarial. It's all play for the moment, but that will change as time passes. Thought you'd enjoy watching their goofy battle over the bale! (B.T.W. – you can tells the little ewes from the rams by looking at the ear tags. Girls are tagged
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