The Naming of Lambs

I spent an hour reading through the suggestions that came in last week for naming our lambs and have narrowed the field after much deliberation. Although I loved so many of the ideas I've boiled it down to a handful and will let you all know on Friday which theme we've chosen. If you'd like to see the contenders, hop over to Ravelry and follow the thread "Help Name the Lambs" in the Foxfire Fiber Friends group. Thank you so much to everyone who took the time help me out by sharing an idea. With lambing just two weeks away and all that needs to get done before then, it's nice to have a head start on something.

If you can't wait two more weeks for a lamb fix, pick up the spring issue of Living Crafts magazine. On page 64 you'll find the story I wrote about lambing ("Behind Every Sweater is a Lamb"), with lots of adorable photos. 


I'm posting this larger-than-life shot of Caitlyn today because I wanted to tell you about her obnoxious behavior earlier this week when we brought the rest of ewes inside for shearing. We haltered her and brought her along for a visit. She made a bee line for Crackerjack, who was eager to say hi, and threw her ears back and spit right at him. We felt sorry for Crackerjack, who appeared to be genuinely interested in seeing another llama. Just goes to show, Caitlyn thinks she is larger-than-life. Such a diva . . .

Two more signs of spring this week. My very first bluebird, down on Patten Road and a pair of redwing blackbirds in the pasture this morning! We've had blessedly warm and sunny afternoons, perfect for boxing wool in the barn. I've never been so happy to see mud!

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