Several back-to-back days of sunshine and gentle breezes are giving us the perfect window for making hay, at last. Norm started mowing over the weekend and has been fluffing and raking ever since. The tedder (above) is throwing up an amazing amount of wake, since the grasses are long and lanky. The lack of humidity and steady breeze is drying the stalks quickly. With any luck bailing will start this afternoon. Although this is very late for first cutting, we will still have a decent amount of time for growing and mowing a second cut later this season to feed the sheep this winter. The yield is likely to be less, but there will be something and we will make do with whatever we get. That's the way it goes.
Daily pop up thunderstorms have been the culprit up until now. We've had amazing looking thunderheads build up each afternoon, usually socking us with a rip roaring downpour. Mike took this shot some time last week of a cloud bank that had just traveled over the house. I love watching the sky and watching storms is especially dramatic. Although I could do without the hailstones which have really done a number on my leafy garden plants.
The sheep are thriving and the lambs have moved yet again, to the open barn on the west side of the road. Here I've been stockpiling fresh pasture, untrodden for weeks. Lots of good eating for them.
The ewes have dried off nicely and are also grazing – out of sight of their little ones. Occasionally I hear some calling back and forth, but it's generally peaceful here.
I spied this little darling along the driveway two days ago. Mike and I have been watching this little faun grow up alongside its mother for weeks now. On Saturday I was surprised to find him alone and rather exposed. His mother was further up the driveway, I later learned.
When he stood to walk away I noticed the problem – an injured hind leg. He hobbled for cover in the tall brush and even gave a little cry as he shuffled away. I spent the next hour working the phone, trying to see if the Environmental Police or the Department of Wildlife would be of any assistance to an injured faun. Apparently they don't do anything to rehabilitate a deer with a broken hind leg, so this little guy is pretty vulnerable.
At least they have little scent at this age and his mother is always nearby. They've chosen to plant themselves near our home, which may be a smart move since the coyotes tend to roam down in the dell and on the woodland fringes. We are certainly keeping our eyes open for this little family and hoping that his injury is one that mends itself.
If anyone has any suggestions or light to shed on the situation, would love to hear.
Hope all of you are enjoying this wonderful slice of summer.
copyright 2009. Barbara Parry. All rights reserved. Feel free to share a link to this site. Do not take images or content from this sight without explicit permission.