First Lambs – A Triple Play!

Our very first lamb arrived right after dinner tonight. At evening feeding I noticed Thalia was in labor, though it didn't affect her appetite one bit. I went to the studio to change my sweater and by the time I returned to the barn she had delivered a sweet little ewe!

First cormo ewelamb 09

Who was then followed by her brother.

Thalia first two lambs

And a bit later, to my surprise,  a sister! I've not had many sets of Cormo triplets and I certainly wasn't trying for them. So I'm pretty stunned.

Thalia's triplets

Thalia's showering them all with attention. She had them cleaned up fast. Wouldn't you know the first lambs arrive on a raw, rainy evening. I placed a heat box in their jug and bundled them up in little wool sweaters. The last ewe is smaller than the others and I spent quite a while making sure she nursed. I have a feeling she may need a little more help in that department.

As I put away the birthing kit I thought about names. Since they were first and arrived in three, I've named them for the 3 primary colors: Crimson, Cobalt and Saffron.

I can hear Thalia and the lambs snickering to each other as I type. When I finish posting I'll head back to the barn to see how they're doing.

And maybe to see who's next.

copyright 2009. Barbara Parry. All rights reserved.