The wind was fierce last night. When I arrived for evening chores I discovered a barn window had blown in and shattered on the floor. Glass everywhere, but not in the sheep pen. The barn makes all kinds of god-awful sounds on a windy night. Gusts force their way through every little chink and crevice. The sheep were spooked – probably the combo of the glass shattering and the constant thumps and rattles shaking the barn.
It was quiet a bit before dawn, but then the wind picked up right where it left off for morning chores. Here are some views of breakfast for the the rams.
Finding a clean patch of snow to feed on the ground.
Watching out while doling out hay. I need eyes on the back of my head when feeding the rams. It's not such a good idea to let them surround me with no quick exit. I try to keep the sled between myself and Cilantro at all times. Cinder is at the far right; you can see how he's catching up in size to the big boys.
Getting ready now for evening chores. I was hoping for a break in the wind, but it hasn't let up all day. Better wear my hat!
This weekend I need to focus writing that book I've mentioned once or twice. And so you won't be hearing from me again until Monday. I hope you have a grand weekend.
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