Sheep Sharing Give-Away

Sheep sleep

This morning I wondered why the sheep prefer to camp under the stars along the fence, right up by our house, when they have a perfectly good house of their own at the edge of the paddock. Perhaps they like having a front row seat for the daily theater of humans. The show starts when I raise my bedroom shade just before sunup. Their eyes are instantly on me. They follow my movement through the house, downstairs to the kitchen window. We watch each other while I brew coffee. It's a daily ritual – one of many in the work of keeping sheep.

Some of you have been keeping us and our flock company, year in and year out. If you have then you know we're seriously dedicated to raising healthy, happy sheep who live as naturally as sheep possibly can, doing what sheep love to do most: roaming spacious pastures and grazing by summer; wintering in adequate barn quarters, lounging in clean dry bedding, sheltered from the elements. Or at least having that option, though they just choose otherwise.

Today we invite you to become a part of our farm. It's the official kick-off for Sheep Shares CSA 2011. Each year we sell a limited number of Farm Yarn or Fiber shares. It's your chance for a front- row seat for what we do best – raising the finest wool and hand crafting yarns of the highest quality. It's also your chance to support small-scale, sustainable farming. And to be on a first-name basis with your fiber.

To celebrate the start of a new season we are hosting a Sheep Shares give-away:

Two lucky people will receive a 2011 Sheep Shares Farm Yarn Sampler Membership (a value of $134) via  random drawing. I will select and announce the winners right here next week (on Wednesday, December 23). Would you like a chance to enter?

Please do 2 things: 

1. Spread the word: Share a link to this post with at least one other person who might be interested in joining Sheep Shares – Or who might be interested in gifting a Sheep Share for the holidays. Share a link to this post, tweet, blog  or Facebook us.

2. Then post a comment here so I know you've visited. Be sure to leave a fowarding email address so I can contact you if I draw your name.


Click here to learn more about joining Sheep Shares.


Sheep rise


Sheep shares lambs
Thank you for Sheep Sharing! Hope you'll consider joining us.