More scenes from the day:
Georgia and Mistral remained center stage throughout the afternoon. Even when the rest of the flock drifted back toward the barn and we settled down to knitting in the shade, they wandered from guest to guest. Mistral inspected the contents of every knitter's bag (for contraband bottles?), - and almost frogged someone's w.i.p.! Georgia just wanted to be spoiled. She was not disappointed.
Like a pair of toddlers, into everything!!!
When it was time for a group shot Georgia took her second nap of the day in the arms of her new best friend (Sarah : ).
As the afternoon unwound, she was really ready to crash. And so was I. By the day's end we were all pretty tapped out. The lambs happily reclaimed their favorite napping spot beneath the tree once everyone headed home.
The visit was good medicine, so good for the heart. And soul.
I thank everyone who could join us for a special afternoon. I really thank Mike, for seeing to last minute details: slicing melons, all the heavy lifting and for really making sure I didn't overdo it. And my assistant-shepherd extraordinaire Holly for such an amazing job: making the farm look fantastic and making sure the lambs were on their very best behavior while somehow making it all look easy! I really couldn't have pulled it off without their help.
copyright 2010. Barbara Parry. Photos courtesy of Cynthia, Holly Sonntag and Peggy Dixon. Feel free to share a link to this website. Please do not take content or images from this website without my explicit written permission. Thank you.