Poll Time – Help Us Name the Lambs!

Newborn lamb in sweater.foxfirefiber
Despite the emergence buckets on the sugar maples, the landscape in western Massachusetts still reads "winter". The snow cover is measurable in feet. Just two days ago the entire woodland was spectacularly sheathed in ice.  A trip to the barn calls for hat, gloves, insulated boots and a heavy parka. So it's a little hard to fathom that within three weeks we'll be welcoming newborn lamb here at Springdelle Farm. It's the surest sign of spring's arrival.

I am up to my eyeballs in fresh fleece and we have another round of shearing yet to go before the lambs make their debut. The busy exhilaration of late winter suddenly leaves me feeling that there are not enough minutes in each day. At least I have plenty to do while I'm waiting.

Speaking of something to do, several weeks ago I asked for your suggestions for a theme to use in naming the lambs of 2011.

I've listed the most popular (and some of our favorite) suggestions here. Now it's time for a little survey. Cast your vote for your favorite theme. One week from today, on March 17th, we'll tally the results and announce this year's theme.

Please share this post with anyone you think might enjoy the fun. Let the lambing count-down begin.



2011 Springdelle Farm Lamb Names Theme
"Classics" Authors or Characters
Shakespearean Names
Apple Varieties
Tree Names
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