On the lamb front

Verbenas lamb

Verbena's ram lamb

Verbena's ram lamb II

Verbena's lamb

Just a quick post to bring you up to date. Cassandra delivered triplets Saturday – our second set back to back. Harrington, Herculana, and Helvetica are doing quite well. They join Verbena's trio, Georgia, Garamond and Gigi,  pictured above. We now officially have a triplet ward set up in the southeast corner of the barn. We have to feed the triplet moms differently than the rest, so it's actually easier if there's a couple of sets of three. They are cutest group in the barn at the moment.

Yesterday Pansy delivered a ram and a ewe lamb (Jazz and Lucida) bringing the lamb count to 18 out of 8 ewes. I'm guessing we're about half way there. With storm clouds filling the afternoon sky, I hope the lambs hold off now until morning. Will keep you posted.

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