Lamb Camp


I'm always amazed at how quickly the lamb flock adjusts to free ranging during the summer months. With Crackerjack their trusty guardian, they're camped in the back pasture. We "stockpiled" it for them, meaning we kept other sheep out of it so the lambs would have fresh forage. In some places the grass is taller than they are. So when I go counting heads at day's end, it's a lamb safari! It's so different from the barnyard life they lived just weeks ago. The whole flock is free ranging for the summer. 

Although many lambs in this group are now nearly indifferent to our comings and goings, a handful still eagerly seek us whenever we show up with fresh water. Mistral and Georgia approach for hugs. Sometimes they're accompanied by one or two curious friends. 

Crackerjack positions himself wherever he has the best view of the surrounding fields. While the lambs camp under the white pine at mid-day, he basks like a lizard in the sun. At dusk he patrols the perimeter.



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