Hurricane Preparation

Pears 1. foxfire fiber

What will Hurricane Irene mean for our farm? Like everyone along the eastern seaboard, we're being told to brace ourselves and be ready for the worst. High winds, torrential rain and extended power outage.

Yesterday I rounded up the flock in the high pasture and brought everyone down to the barn to ride out the storm. Without power, electric fences are useless; I don't want to chasing sheep all over Patten Hill in a hurricane.

I picked as many pears as I could from the tree beside the sheep pasture. Our pears are lumpy and imperfect to the eye, but tasty. The trees are loaded this year. I'm sure the storm will shake them all loose.


Pears 2. foxfire fiber

The sheep love pears. I chucked a handful of bruised ones into the paddock. Clover was the first to notice.

Sheep, pears 1. foxfire fiber

Sheep pears 2. foxfire fiber

Sheep pears 3. foxfire fiber

And then Cocoa. And then everyone else.

Sheep pears 4. foxfire fiber

Sheep pears 5. foxfire fiber

Sheep pears 6. foxfire fiber

With pear juice dripping from their wooly chins, they begged like dogs for more. I'm sure tomorrow they'll find all the pears they can eat tossed about the pasture.

It's quiet here today. I'm finishing my coffee, then on my way to the farm now to fill extra stock tanks with water, fasten windows and put storm keepers on the barn doors.

I'll ride out the storm with my knitting and a good book.

I'm sending my strongest wishes for safe passage to all readers bracing for Irene. Be well, let me know how you fare!