Sunday’s Lambs

Lamp pile 

Found this lovely raft of Cormo lambs in the center pen today. All Teaberry lambs – big eyes, pink noses.They've begun to fill out, loosing that loose-skinned newborn look. We've got them ear tagged so we can keep track of who belongs to whom. With so many mothers and lambs bouncing around the mixing pen it's pretty hard to tell them apart.

The lambs have started forming their own little pack, often sleeping together in piles while the mothers are at the feeder. I'll be sending them out to romp in the yard soon, maybe even early this week if it stays mild. I'll be sure to have the video camera handy for that. We've got a little more field work to do before placing the sheep on pasture but the grass is greening nicely. Won't be long now.

I'm still waiting on six or seven ewes yet to deliver. We're having a bit of lamb-lag, its seems. Stay tuned, and I promise to keep you posted.

Lamb pile II

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