Holly sent me this shot of the ewes at dusk on the winter solstice. The girls were having their own quiet celebration as light returns.
My solstice celebration was unique this year. I've been on hiatus, visiting my brother in southern California for a few days – an early holiday celebration. Every year, he comes east or I go west about this time. Given the scary weather on the east coast last week, I was glad for a change of venue (though sorry that Holly and Mike had more snow to contend with!). It was the first time I've been away from my flock at the solstice and seeing this photo made me homesick for them.
Yesterday my brother and I decided to watch the solstice sunset from Black's Beach in La Jolla. To reach the sand, we had a sketchy descent of about 200' down a series of "steps" carved into the face of a sharp bluff. The surf was pretty high, 12' waves, but they were crashing quickly and it didn't look like the surfers were having much fun. Looked more like abuse to me.
The sky was surreal, so different from the winter sky in New England at this time of year. Instead of watching sheep, we watched surf and surfers as the sun dropped into the Pacific.
And then made the hike back up from the beach through the ravine in the amazing afterglow.
I'm in the air most of today, heading home. Looking forward to seeing Mike, Holly and the sheep this evening. Wishing you peace at the solstice and coming holidays.
(photos courtesy of Holly Sonntag and Jim Noonan)