Just after dinner we welcomed Cormo ewe lambs Tupelo and Pheonix, courtesy of Buttercup, a veteran ewe. The new arrivals bring our lamb tally to 36 with the count of 21 ewes, 15 rams. Last year we were way up on the ram-lamb numbers. I am naturally pleased with this reversal.
Our guardian llama Crackerjack inspects the newcomers. He was resting in the center pen just feet away from Buttercup while she delivered. He followed as I led Buttercup and her lambs to a jug (a small bonding pen for ewes and their newborns) and then remained just outside the jug where he could quietly observe. His watchful presence where most needed, outside the pen of the most vulnerable members of the flock, is reassuring. He has done an amazing job, especially considering that this is his first season in the birthing barn with the ewes.
Maia’s ewe lambs, born yesterday, are looking perky. Compare this image to yesterday’s shot of the same lambs – and you will see how quickly they fill out.
Cocoa’s lambs settle in for the evening.