Today got off to a bright start that made me think the forecast predicting yet more snow was false (ha, ha, ha!). Gypsy and Butch greeted me at the gate, looking for treats. I was packing apples today, their favorite. Sometimes it's oranges, sometimes carrots, occasionally bread. Whatever, they love it all.
By mid-afternoon the sky was full of fat white flakes, coming down wet and heavy. Unbelievable. So I skipped the errands planned for the day and hunkered down. Finished decorating my tree.
The sheep have been loathe to leave the barn and I can't say I blame them. The foot of snow from Wednesday has a 1" crust. Hurts my shins to walk through it and can't feel comfortable at all for them. So I broke it up this morning, marching around in my heavy boots. Then I spread out flakes for breakfast. About half the flock came out, eager to stretch their legs.
The snow was heavy still for evening chores so I fed everyone inside and topped off buckets for the night. We're back to using heated buckets to keep fresh drinking water available. They work so well but are a pain in the neck to empty.
I suppose I shouldn't be too whiny about the weather. Truth be told, I wrote my last post from my hotel room in sunny Orlando : ) Was visiting my son who lives there and works at WDW. It's how we celebrate the holidays. I love winter in New England but the heavenly warmth and Floridian sunshine was good medicine.
Holly had sent me the shots (in my Wednesday post) taken mid-storm at the farm. She, Dick and Gale had quite a time keeping the farm roads cleared and all the gates and doorways shoveled out. I'm much obliged to them and wish, for their sakes, that the harsh weather had held off 'til we got back. It feels like winter is hitting hard early, but then the horrific ice storm of December '08 was this week last year. So maybe we're right on target.
Stay safe, healthy & warm!