Daphne, a little hung-over yesterday morning.
In case you're wondering where I've been . . . It was a rough weekend. Although I'm miles behind in all departments, I dropped everything to deal with a sick dog. The good news: things are now looking up. Last week Daphne, my thirteen year old golden, suffered an extreme bout of intestinal trouble. By Saturday morning she was weak and standing on rubber legs.
An expensive two-day stay at the Veterinary Emergency Hospital settled her tummy troubles. Concerned that her usual meds might create more gastric distress, they gave her a new drug for her arthritis just before discharge. It turned out to have an opiate/muscle relaxant effect on her. (Wouldn't it have been nice to know that before I got her home?!) She couldn't get out of the car, walking over the threshold was impossible, holding her head up was way too much work, etc. She collapsed in a furry heap, legs splayed every which way on the kitchen floor. Using a sling we managed get her on her feet long enough for her to relieve herself outside. Man, I hate it when the "cure" is bigger headache than the original problem.
She slept it off. Yesterday she grogged (yes, I know it's not a verb) around from bed to bed on stiff and wonky legs. Today, she's much brighter. Mishka's been keeping her company, sharing toys, telling corny knock-knock jokes.
Mishka offers moral support.
The incident reminded me so much of Emma's sudden decline last fall. I was fairly panicked all weekend, canceling classes scheduled for both days. It's a relief to see that this was a passing bug, a temporary setback so it seems. Holly's taken farm chores for a few days so I can stay close to my girls!