Holly took the hoggets for a stroll in the snow today – moving them to the big barn for their very big date with the shearer on Friday. Since fleeces need to be absolutely dry for shearing, we moved them as early as possible this morning to get them tucked into the most protected building before the storm really got cranking. Which it is right now. I can barely make out the barn from my window. It's suppose to storm all night and we could get as much as a foot here in the hills before it's over.
An update on my neighbor's little ram lamb: Last night Barbara happily reported that the lamb is on his feet, nursing and back with his mother and sibling! I'm hugely relieved to know there was a happy outcome. To Barbara's credit, she worked on keeping him warm and fed until he was able to do things for himself. I'll try to stop by her barn on the way to town tomorrow to get a picture of the little family.
Off to the barn to check on everyone one last time for the evening. Let's see how the hoggets are settling in at the big barn. Wishing all my N.E. neighbors a safe homeward commute tonight.
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