Of Rams and Men

In summer the rams live in our backyard. We like to visit with them after dinner, before dusk gets thick with mosquitoes and forces us to retreat indoors. It's one of my favorite times of day.

Rams with mike I 

In general it's ill advised to treat rams like giant teddy bears. You certainly shouldn't get down at their level in the middle of the field without nearby cover, as Mike is the photo above. Mike has a special connection with the "big boys". It's a guy thing, I suppose. He's not intimidated by them the way I am. 

They sense it and don't challenge him nearly as often as they badger me. Mike is an expert at reading the mood of this group, sensing their defiant moments and then keeping a safe distance. We certainly wouldn't be casually strolling the pasture with them in the time of fall rut.

Rams mike II

Ram mike IV

Rams mike V

Rams mike VI

Hard to believe this is the same group that came charging across the pasture at me, heads lowered two weeks ago. Last night they were completely mellow. No rammy angst. Not a single hostile vibe. Total marshmallows.

Rams mike VII

Cilantro (above) can be the most ornery of the group. He and Mike had a little talk about minding manners, not chasing mom in the pasture.

Rams mike VIII

Cilantro seemed somber and penitent. But I know his wayward tendencies. We'll see how long the good behavior lasts!

Rams mike ix

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