Yesterday's much hyped nor'easter didn't amount to much After a mere dusting of 3 inches, I had the barn lots plowed out by mid morning. Late afternoon's sun reduced the snow to scattered patches. You won't catch me complaining about the lack of snow this winter. A sifting once a week freshens up the yards and then I can feed the sheep outdoors. With so many sheep in full fleece, there's not much elbow room at the feeders these days.
Lengthening days means plenty of light for end-of-day chores. Here are some happy campers at dinner.
Speaking of happy campers, Daphne's continued improvement is the best news of the week. A bland diet agrees with her. She's kept everything down and has fully recovered from her earlier bout of vertigo (but still shuffles around on arthritic legs).
Thank you everyone for your concern and for sending good thoughts our way.